

Fink Miss 1530 7755 Flash was purchased in the Fall 2024 Fink sale. Sired by One Penny Blanco Flash 6424 and out of a Fink Gold Standard cow out of a Free Lunch cow. A power female and her EPDs indicate that. Top: 5% YW, 4% CW, 1% Marb., 1% TSI! She is long bodied, deep chested, good footed and has a nice udder. Her dam, 7755, was one of the high selling females in the Fink Fall 2022 sale. She was flushed often and held in high regard as one of the best Gold Standards the Fink's have ever had. We are thrilled to have her in our herd and look forward to her Gold Standard calf coming March 2025!
NH Lady 7450 0409 FL

Owned with Artlitt Ranch, Evan's Ranch & Melvin Allen
LCC MISS LADY 8872 4297 GS

8872 is just about perfect! Top: 15% CE, 15% BW, 20% YW, 10% CW, 1% Marb., 6% TSI A Gold Standard out of one of the original 6868 daughters. She is a deep bodied cow that has a great udder still for being a five year old cow. Top 1% for marbling and 6% TSI.

9315 is a really great Gold Standard daughter. Top: 25% WW, 15% YW, 20% MCE, 5% SC, 20% Udder, 25% Teat, 8% CW, 1% Marb., 7% TSI A tremendous female with a beautiful udder and feet. Flushed to RBM Keystone 41H in December 2023!
Our Latest Addition to the Herd from the Fink Beef Genetics Sale, previously owned by Hargrave Cattle Co! 7450 not only looks the part, she's got the numbers too! Top: 7% CE, 6% BW, 5% SC, 2% Marb., 35% TSI! This donor female in her prime production years traces back to the infamous “6868” female and sired by VPI Free Lunch. She’s a phenomenal female with a perfect udder. Flushing in early 2024 to RBM Keystone 41H and LHD Cigar E46!!!
BHD Ms Cobalt Z767

This powerful matron could earn the title of “Miss American Beef” as she is a perfectly described Charolais Beef Cow! Big, voluminous, sound, correct, great udder quality, and gentle disposition. She has been a monstrous producer of high quality offspring. Her first appearance was when her son, DC/BHD King F2503 P topped the 2019 DeBruycker Bull Sale at $24,000.00. 13 breeders from across the U.S. syndicated this homozygous polled sire. She has produced 3-natural heifers with indexes of 114%, 99%, and 127%, and a bull at 125% weaning ratios. 5-ET bull calves have sold for $48,250 in 2019, DeBruycker’s have kept 5 full sib heifers in the herd. She has produced 18 ET calves in the fall of 2019 sired by DC/JDJ Pegasus D3330, 10-bulls and 8-heifers.

This massive yet feminine donor is out of Rick Evans’ great donor, Miss Duke 34. A tremendous volume cow with excellent milking ability. She ranks in the top 15% for WW and 25% YW to display her high- performance growth EPDs for the breed. You can continue to see her influence in our herd as we used her BRAXTON'S ILLUSION 480H son as our herd bull and retained many of his heifers. We flushed her to Sparrows Braxton, Pegasus and Hosea.

H816 was a M6 New Standard 842 superb donor with a quality udder, big top, deep-bodied, and a broody look every cattle person admires! Easy fleshing and a great flush cow. Her dam is in Herndon Farms’ ET program. We flushed her to JMAR Jubal and JMAR Hosea and are eagerly awaiting calves!!!